~ PCDR ~
PCDR is a digital donation receipt based on a "fraud proof" technology similar to Bitcoin.
Why PCDR? - Every donation counts & every donation should be counted.
If you make a donation by Paypal or even money order, PCDR is the simplest way to guarantee that we got it.
Almost every donation is elgible to receive PCDR, our digital dontaion reciept.
To get PCDR you must submit a WAVES address with your donation, as well as let us know the state you reside in.
We may not be able to issue digital reciepts to some donors due to state regulations.
Go to Waves.Exchange to get a WAVES wallet address.
Legal: PCDR has no stated value & is not an investment.
Any participation in the use of PCDR is completely voluntary & no individual or entity is required to redeem PCDR.
What can I do with PCDR? -
PCDR holders are recognized as contributing to this project & helping to encourage community minded business principles
Businesses & individuals can show thier support, just by accepting accepting PCDR for goods & services
or offering rewards to PCDR holders.
If you honor PCDR at your business or service or would like to learn more about PCDR & your business,
Send your links & inquiries to - linkup@peoplespresident.org
Also please let me know if anyone listed here is no longer accepting PCDR.
Use of PCDR is completely voluntary so we cannot guarantee this list.
Businesses currently accepting PCDR -
Arts Guild International, Wholesale silver supply
The Uncarved Block    
Pyne Designs Fine Art    
The Blue Stone    
It pays to know ~
PCDR is based on blockchain technology.
Did you know that blockchain is virtually fraud proof?
Why does that matter?
It has been proven in court that the voting machines used in America can be tampered with.
That is a fact, yet we still use them.
By making the public aware of an inexpensive fraud proof option to count their votes,
It stands to reason that the American people will begin to demand a system that cannot be hacked.
Of course, that is for the voting public to decide, I just find it all very interesting.
As for this project, I would like to see a blockchain voting system established to gather public votes, opinions & other data
that could be very important in building a business that truly represents the interests of the people & the direction of this art project.
Using a blockchain system of voting -
All users will be able to go online & see their votes.
Registered Voters could vote from home or even on their phones.
Votes are counted almost instantly.
The record of the vote could never be changed.
It would be cheaper & more efficient than the current system.
Blockchain votes are stored on thousands of computers that are not connected all around the world, making it virtually unhackable.
Blockchain is most successful when decentralized. Meaning the public has control of it.
www.PeoplesPresident.org is an online extension of a physical art project. This is not a political campaign, or any other kind of organization.
Your support is a gift & you have not been promised anything in return. PCDR is not an investment.
Michael Reeves, supporters, retail partners & affiliates offer no guarantee of service.